Top Crypto Gaming Companies In 2023


Crypto gaming took off a few years ago when Axie Infinity became popular, but even before that, we had a few options that weren’t so great initially. The idea behind these games was to have anything interesting for players that can be considered a game but also to include a specific cryptocurrency as the primary in-game currency.

Gaming and crypto are closely related because crypto is also implemented in iGaming in the online casino, which has changed the whole industry. Many popular streamers and celebrities started to gamble on these websites and play their games with crypto, which led to more people joining them.

Crypto Gaming

F1 Delta Time

Most of the games that are crypto-related have some kind of collection goal that players have to achieve to make money. This game is exactly what the name suggests. You can collect Formula 1 cars. But you can also trade them and race with the cards you own, which is the first racing crypto game available.

Because they are considered NFTs, they are stored in the ETH blockchain, meaning you will have to convert your BTC or other cryptocurrencies to buy your first car. The game has existed for a couple of years, but many things have changed.

There are several ways to make money from it, including trading, selling, buying cars, and winning tournaments. The value of a certain vehicle can go up over time, especially if you win a lot. There’s also a referral program that you can apply to, but don’t expect to earn a fortune from it.


Decentraland was huge when it was released because the concept was very interesting. The whole point was to make a real virtual world where the main currency is MANA. You could create your own property and items inside it and place it for sale if you want. Some of the things in the game were sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The player count is much lower nowadays compared to the beginning, but that happened to every crypto game. The reason might be the downfall of some currencies and too much bad news surrounding the crypto industry, but this might change shortly.

It’s probably the best idea behind a crypto game because people are looking for something that allows them to interact with everything. Virtual reality is a part of our future, and it will be interesting to see what it will look like in the upcoming years.

Crypto Kitties

If you want to relax your brain from the hardcore games you are used to, Crypto Kitties is the right game for you. It’s a beautiful game where you can buy, collect, sell, and breed kittens. Like other collecting games, everything is stored on ETH because they are made into NFTs.

Besides selling and breeding them to make money, some special breeds can increase in value over time. You won’t be able to profit immediately because producing valuable ones takes time, but it’s a great way to waste some free time. One interesting fact is that one of the cats is worth over $ 300,000.


If you don’t want to play a game on the ETH blockchain, Splinterlands uses DEC tokens. It’s a fighting game where players can make their own characters and compete with other players. Like the F1 game, there are tournaments where you can win prizes in the form of cryptocurrency.

Besides winning tournaments, you can get rewards by finishing daily quests. This means that you can only make some money if you play the game every day. The rewards are also in the form of NFTs, meaning that you can trade the fighters. It’s quite an appealing game that you can play for an hour daily until you finish the quests.